Recently we have added a few titles of new books to the bookshelf. Mostly buku2 agama, panduan ibadah & buku motivasi. U can find these titles @ Popular Books, MPH, Kinokuniya etc. The price in those big bookstores is fixed, unless u have a membership card. Tapi beli dgn aku leh la aku kasik diskaun singgit dua, untung x bnyk buku2 baru ni, 20% jer…but the good thing is, its fast moving & attracts more customers, whilst adding variety to the existing used books.

...juga tak ktinggalan utk ibu, bakal2 ibu atau dah ada pngalaman hamil & melahirkan, I recommend this one, information-packed & knowledged-rich.
Awaiting for my next posting. Till then, ciao!
...juga tak ktinggalan utk ibu, bakal2 ibu atau dah ada pngalaman hamil & melahirkan, I recommend this one, information-packed & knowledged-rich.
Awaiting for my next posting. Till then, ciao!