Tuesday, August 21, 2007
baru abis chat dgn teman lama aku,husni mubarok...he's indonesian,mrantau ke jepang & bekerja dsana...he used to work at my former workplace in Yayasan Albukhary..sembang kesah2 lama ms sama2 bekerja dulu..
anyways skg dia bekerja sambil blajar 'bidang pemesinan' di kilang Honda di Shizuoka, he'll be staying there for 3 years,& he's been there since nov 2006...seronok tak kerja sana?aku tnya...seronok skali katanya..mau x sronok gaji 150ribu yen, equals to 6ribu Ringgit Malaysia!
hoping to chat with him again...soon
anyways skg dia bekerja sambil blajar 'bidang pemesinan' di kilang Honda di Shizuoka, he'll be staying there for 3 years,& he's been there since nov 2006...seronok tak kerja sana?aku tnya...seronok skali katanya..mau x sronok gaji 150ribu yen, equals to 6ribu Ringgit Malaysia!
hoping to chat with him again...soon
Sudden low of an all time high
Willing to believe what ever gets me by
So, I got with the winning team
But nothing ever seem to be what it seems
Oh, yeah.
Well I don't care
I'm just too busy getting from here to there
I put my hand over the flame
Now, nothing would ever be the same
One day it's there - one day it's gone
But I still feel like I'm the lucky one.
Y'know how they say "hey don't rock a boat if you're in it"
Well, the ship we're all in babe, is sinking by the minute
They say "hey, it's all a bunch of bull!"
Well, it's just what I've heard
but they shoot every bird that don't sing beautiful
Everyday victory
Everyday peace
Just them little, little things that keeps you off your knees
Sunshine of a smile.
Subtle if you please
Them little victories - will keep you off your knees
Come have a listen what they got to say
Y'know me, I'm just glad when it comes my way
They say "hey, we only hurt the ones we love"
Well, it's not the kind of comfort I was thinking of
...lagu ni kenangan masa aku mnuntut dulu di kampus Sintok. Ekceli aku dengar lagu ni kat bilik Romy, then trus trlekat & melekat dekat corong speaker huhuhu...aku eksidently trjumpa the lyrics masa dok surf sing365.com, i was mistaken by another song titled WOUND..brings back the 'younger days' memories, zaman2 aku dok layan muzik2 keras & bingit dedulu...miss my colleagues & 'setans' of block A, guthrie..u guys mmg world!
Willing to believe what ever gets me by
So, I got with the winning team
But nothing ever seem to be what it seems
Oh, yeah.
Well I don't care
I'm just too busy getting from here to there
I put my hand over the flame
Now, nothing would ever be the same
One day it's there - one day it's gone
But I still feel like I'm the lucky one.
Y'know how they say "hey don't rock a boat if you're in it"
Well, the ship we're all in babe, is sinking by the minute
They say "hey, it's all a bunch of bull!"
Well, it's just what I've heard
but they shoot every bird that don't sing beautiful
Everyday victory
Everyday peace
Just them little, little things that keeps you off your knees
Sunshine of a smile.
Subtle if you please
Them little victories - will keep you off your knees
Come have a listen what they got to say
Y'know me, I'm just glad when it comes my way
They say "hey, we only hurt the ones we love"
Well, it's not the kind of comfort I was thinking of
...lagu ni kenangan masa aku mnuntut dulu di kampus Sintok. Ekceli aku dengar lagu ni kat bilik Romy, then trus trlekat & melekat dekat corong speaker huhuhu...aku eksidently trjumpa the lyrics masa dok surf sing365.com, i was mistaken by another song titled WOUND..brings back the 'younger days' memories, zaman2 aku dok layan muzik2 keras & bingit dedulu...miss my colleagues & 'setans' of block A, guthrie..u guys mmg world!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Dusun ku berbuah lagi!technically ni bukn dusun aku, tp dusun arwah Pak Ngah & ayah aku, indirectly dusun aku jugak lah kan….luckily dis year buah mmg ckup2 lumayan & meriah, tak mcm tahun2 lepas…rezki lebih Allah kurnia tahun ni.
Tradisinya tiap2 tahun anak2 pak ngah i.e my spupu. 10 orang smuanya, akan buat knduri di dusun, jmput smua adik-bradik sdara mara brkumpul & mkn buah ramai2, unfortunately thn ni aku x dpat nk melapangkan masa, due to tight schedule plus commitments towards my business. So aku kena pergi ikut my own schedule…untuk pi kait buah rambutan & panjat pokok dokong.
Tradisinya tiap2 tahun anak2 pak ngah i.e my spupu. 10 orang smuanya, akan buat knduri di dusun, jmput smua adik-bradik sdara mara brkumpul & mkn buah ramai2, unfortunately thn ni aku x dpat nk melapangkan masa, due to tight schedule plus commitments towards my business. So aku kena pergi ikut my own schedule…untuk pi kait buah rambutan & panjat pokok dokong.
skill mengait rembutan
terliur part 1
lagi terliur part 2
terliur part 3 : the beginning
Ekceli buah rmbutan lg bnyk pokoknya...tp dok snap gambor pokok dokong gak heheh
Dusun ni agak2 aku luasnya dalam 10 ekar, dusun ayah aku & arwah Pak Ngah bersebelahan, dipisahkan oleh pagar usang…bezanya dusun pak ngah lebih terjaga sebab anaknya yg no.2 tu rajin turun menebas, memugar, tarok baja etc, compared to my dad’s yg agak trbiar & dipenuhi belukar & semak samun :p
I manage to squeeze my schedule & went to the dusun on July 23rd & 26th, accompanied by Me*at & L*la…enjoy sakan budak2 tu mcm tikus jatuh dalam beras hehehe…
Till then...ciao!
This is anak Ustaz Saa*, pak Arab yg dah bermastautin di Malaysia since 1990, berkahwin dgn pompuan Melayu, he lives nearby..sooo cute & bubbly. Nakal plak tu…nama Yusra. Below are her photos in action…

...tringin ada anak?kawen lah jgn dok tnggu2 lama2 sangat...ciao!
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